Writing poetry is a way for Ju-Woo Nho to express her emotions and explore her sense of self. As the winner of two Scholastic Arts & Writing awards and a $2000 poetry competition, she is a distinguished poet. She has been published in print 4 times, even gaining recognition from an international journal, DoveTales.
On a dirt road lays a single flower
A tiny pebble
A withered leaf
Of various colors and different shapes
Yet blown away by the same gust of wind
We are all connected to each other
Affected by what we do
We are different, not wrong
Each unique and special
We can raise awareness about the power in all of us
To recognize, accept, and love people as they are
And Destruction
Can Turn Into
And Love
Let’s plant the seed of peace in our hearts
Share our dreams of a beautiful future
Beginning here
Spreading across the world
Ending all wars and conflicts
Peace is a choice
We can promote it wherever we go
Because it starts with me
Begins with you
And lives on through us
- 2017
Penetrating the dead silence
The shrieks of terror echo throughout
Lamenting the loss of innocent lives
Yet in the midst of it all
A classmate takes a bullet for another
A teacher barricades a door
A student prays for her friend
Starting within
A single spark of courage
Finding a hand to hold
A small, flickering flame of hope
Strengthening a community
A steady fire of love
Spreading across the world
A blazing conflagration of peace
Overwhelmed with crime
Rampant with violence
Filled with destruction
We still hold strong
We remain unbreakable
We make peace with the world
- 2018
late sunset, fading sky
a sharp gunshot shatters
the peaceful quiet of a dwindling day
lined up along a blocked road
blaring red and blue
the bloody sight and rusty smell
not war in a faraway country
but close, so close
to you and me, us
smothered deep within my heart
a trembling cry
“we must end all violence!”
a nearby voice
“we are tired of the cruelty, pain
caused by the hatred around us”
another murmurs
“in the rubbles of destruction,
we find the strength to change,
the courage to be kind”
hands tightly held
we are
stronger together
defying all odds
we shout to the skies
the choice we have made
from the small seed of hope
thousands, millions rise up
no longer victims, but the empowered
let the dove soar high above
let the world be filled with love
leaving nothing but
the sweet whisper, peace
- 2019
black eyes and black hair, shy little girl of yellow skin
playing deep in the forest
stumbles upon
an abandoned train station
not a train in sight
along the dilapidated railway
in the breeze
she hears a faint, forlorn whistle
the gentle caress of the golden sun
the rustling leaves of the whispering wind
the soft fur of the playful hare
tempt her to stay
she begins to follow the tracks
pulled by Destiny
because of What?
for Whom?
she knows not
but is challenged by her fate
conceived in her mother’s country
Korea is imbedded deep within the heart
the light of America shines brightly in her soul
two lands separated by a thousand waters
push and pull in one heart
trying to find a path
of her own
waking with the rising sun
running by the silvery moonlight
one foot after another
over and over again
to catch
a glimpse of the train
can she find it after a long night?
doing her best
accumulating her learning
never enough
seeing the train
hearing its steady rumble
always out of reach
neither completely Korean, nor fully American
outcast in both societies
she is at her breaking point
one last time
she rounds up enormous effort
drawing courage from
deep within
the train stops
she steps in
beyond the door, into the wide world
accepting her identity
She Is Unafraid
a man once proclaimed in front of thousands
“I Have a Dream”
I have two
two dreams
merging into one
a million overflowing
becoming One
flying with beautiful wings
the seeing, the blind
the hearing, the deaf
the speaking, the mute
I understand them all
inside the train
through its clear windows
I am able to see
a world filled with possibilities
gift of both heaven and earth
I am
a doctor, healing both soul and body
a soldier, brandishing both pen and sword
a professor, teaching both heart and mind
the wind may blow, the rain may pour
but my Dreams live on
as a Korean-American
a realist who dreams of being a global citizen
my countries, this world
I embrace it all
in the seat of the conductor
I reach the end station
Copyright © 2023 We're All Together - All Rights Reserved.
ESTABLISHED BY Ju-Woo & Joon-Woo Nho